Meet Amy Fukuizumi!

Everyone meet Amy! Mine and Amy’s story is really a story in itself. I’ll give you the super short version. We met about 10 years ago!!?? at an Alice in Wonderland themed bachelorette in Las Vegas for a mutual friend. Fell down the rabbit hole for the weekend and had a magical time. We lost touch and reconnected when Amy reached out and sent me an email sharing that she was dating my long term ex. I thank my lucky stars that she was brave enough to send that email. We’ve been close and connected ever since! When I need help flushing out ideas I call Amy. When I am stuck creativity she always helps me move through my blocks. She is an amazingly creative and magical woman and I am so happy to have her share a little bit more of herself here!

Introduce yourself! Share a little bit about who you are.

Hi! I'm Amy Fukuizumi. I'm a creative entrepreneur, serial collaborator, feeler of feelings, lover of raw honesty, conscious communication and just being real in general. I co-own You're A Big Deal -- where we have a lot of fun helping people build simple, relatable, human-focused brands and websites. I'm super multi-passionate and always have a couple projects in the works! One right now is a virtual experience -- dedicated to active listening, self-expression and empathy -- a place for people to really feel seen and heard. The other focuses on the emotional/spiritual/existential parts of motherhood to help people manage expectations so they can feel confident and really maintain a strong sense of self (because we all benefit from that, right?). Ultimately, everything I do in my life points in the direction of supporting people in feeling their feelings and living more in integrity with themselves. I'm mom to a passionate toddler, Bison, and a sassy hairless cat, Rachel. I have a California soul but found my way to Newmarket, New Hampshire, with my partner Dan, and it's where I feel home. Cheese is my favorite food. Integrity is my favorite word.

Please share a little about your beauty rituals. What are three products you are currently using everyday? Is there anything you never leave the house without?!

I'm a huge fan of efficiency so I keep all my beauty rituals super clean and simple. My energy and my skin appreciate it. I only really wash my face at night (with an oil cleanser) then splash water on my face in the morning. Always followed by toner, face oil and a moisturizer (if my skin is feeling drier). I take my time with the process -- it's a moment I'm usually alone so I can take all the inhales and exhales I need to get grounded when starting or ending the day. All my beauty products are natural, mostly essential oil based so it's always a fresh smelling, sensual time. Every day I'm using Fleur333 The Oil and Rose Toner (because they have been magic to my skin for 5+ years now) and Living Libations Sun Dew (Vitamin D Creme -- because I have a Vitamin D obsession, haha).

I forget so many things when I leave the house but if I were to want to remember something it'd be Fleur333 Rose Toner. I could spray it all day.

Beauty begins within is a saying I’m sure most of us have heard many times. How do you put this into practice? How are you nourishing your inner beauty?

Some combination of small things every day. Breathing. Moving. Stretching. Listening to myself. Honoring my feelings. Creating moments of silence. Appreciating nature. Helping people. Laughing. Hugging Bison. Being present. Connecting with community. Dreaming.

Please share one go-to practice you use to transform your energy and raise your vibe!

Closing my eyes, picturing the Southern CA desert, imagining a rush of warm air and asking myself, "What do you really want?" It always reminds me that what I want is simplicity and expansiveness -- to be held, safe and free. So if there's something pulling me away from that, this helps me get realigned to what's important to me.

Please share your daily self-love practices.
I have post-it notes hanging in different places to remind me to love myself. My favorite one right now says, "Treat yourself how you want to be treated." Seeing it will usually stop any negative self-talk going on and/or reassure me in the boundaries I'm holding about my energy. Essentially it's saying, "remember to respect yourself." I also stretch a few times a day -- just a deep fold over and hang; it relieves so much tension in my shoulders and neck -- and I eat whatever I want. I used to have a lot of hangups about "not too much this or that food" and now I just listen to my cravings/body and trust what it needs.

I really believe we are all here to learn and grow. Learning new things keeps me inspired! What is one thing you are working on or learning right now?

Agreed! Right now I'm learning more about self-trust and what feeling safe + whole means to me. It's a lot of self-reflection + self-compassion and also leaning into new communities to broaden my experience of safe spaces. I'm learning to show up everywhere as more of myself.

What is one wisdom gem or favorite quote you would like to share?
There’s no one way to do anything. Even though we're led to believe there's only one "right" way and everything else is the "wrong" way. The truth is: there are infinite ways to do things, to feel about things and to experience things. Infinite. We all have our own paths, our own journeys -- all of them are "right."

We are stronger together! Let’s stay connected and support one another! Please share your social media handles and business information if that applies to you.

Website: and

IG: @amy.fukuizumi and @youreabigdealbranding