Meet Liana Garibyan!

Meet Liana Garibyan! Liana and I first met through the The Female Founder Collective. She reached out to me and we connected instantly. She has been such an amazing support for me and reminds me weekly of the power of connection and cheering one another on. 

Introduce yourself! Share a little bit about who you are. 

Hello, my name is Liana Garibyan. I’m the owner and founder of LG Naturals, Inc., an online shop promoting health and wellness through a curated collection of natural and clean skincare products. As a holistic health coach, I believe what goes on your skin is just as important as the food that goes into your body. 

Please share a little about your beauty rituals. What are the three products you are currently using every day? Is there anything you never leave the house without?

My beauty rituals have come a long way since my twenties. I used to try everything from drugstore products to high-end beauty products without really checking the ingredients. Now,  I believe less is more! I only use a limited amount of products on my skin that I like and trust. I think consistency is key to achieving a healthy routine in anything, and that includes skincare. If you want to see results, you have to be consistent. My top three go-to products are from Fleur 333, including The Oil, the Rose Toner, and Moon Mermaid oil. Lip care is also essential because it goes directly into your mouth, so using clean lip care products is essential to your health. My current favorite vegan lip balm is from the Cleaner Soul. Another highly important skincare product is the deodorant you use, especially for females. Deodorants containing aluminum and toxic chemical can have a severe impact on your long-term health.  I use the Rustic Maka Luna Bliss- it’s baking soda free, and charcoal activated with magnesium. 

Beauty begins within is a saying I’m sure most of us have heard many times. How do you put this into practice? How are you nourishing your inner beauty? 

I completely agree with this statement on a nourishment level. The food that you eat and the information you consume provides nourishment for your body as a whole. Eating a clean whole foods diet affects your quality of life, mood, energy, and of course, skin health. What you eat and the products you use is in direct correlation to how you feel. 

Please share one go-to practice you use to transform your energy and raise your vibe! 

I always try to make time for self-care to be the best version of myself when serving others. That may include prayer, meditation, a walk-in nature, or eating a healthy meal.

Please share your daily self-love practices. 

I do my best to stay organized and productive. Otherwise, I feel drained. Even if I only accomplish a few tasks on my to-do list, it keeps me motivated as long as I remain consistent. I also make a point to create space for myself to check in with my body. It could be mediation, eating a specific meal, taking a nap, prayer, or listening to music. It depends on the day! 

I really believe we are all here to learn and grow. Learning new things keeps me inspired! What is one thing you are working on or learning right now? 

I love learning new things daily on any topic or area of expertise. I call myself a forever student. There is no limit as to how much you should or need to learn. Life is a gift, and so is the ability to learn and explore.

What is one wisdom gem or favorite quote you would like to share? 

Take time to absorb what is going on around you; give your mind and body a break to gather your strength to push forward. Have faith and believe in the timing!  Everything will work out! 

We are stronger together! Let’s stay connected and support one another! Please share your social media handles and business information if that applies to you.


IG: lg_naturals

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