Meet Stephanie G-M!

I first met Stephanie at an event for the Female Founder Collective (I’ve met so many rad women through them)! We met for a coffee after our initial meeting and discussed all things business, motherhood and life. Motherhood. Like me, Stephanie has two little babes at home and spends her time multitasking and squeezing her business into all of the little nooks and crannies of the day. She is down to earth, conscientious and is building a badass brand that I both admire and respect. I’m so happy to know her and to introduce her here!

Introduce yourself! Share a little bit about who you are.

Hi my name is Stephanie and I’m Santi and Gaya’s Mother, Founder of Ouli’s Ointment and a makeup artist with 15 years experience in the celeb, beauty and fashion world. I call myself a global nomad, having grown up around the world and moved to LA with my husband and son 4 years ago after 17 years in London.

Please share a little about your beauty rituals. What are three products you are currently using everyday? Is there anything you never leave the house without?!

Honestly, I created a multi purpose brand because I like to keep things minimal and simple, so I’m using my oil and balm for everything and mix it up with honey for a hydrating and mild exfoliation mask. I also am loving By Humankind deo for it’s refill ability and the scent is great and keeps me fresh most of the day!

Beauty begins within is a saying I’m sure most of us have heard many times. How do you put this into practice? How are you nourishing your inner beauty?

I love the idea of nourishing my inner beauty, so delightful and calming! I am currently practicing breathe work and meditation at least a couple times a week. I listen to a friends sound bath recording regularly to calm all of me and I try to take baths regularly.

Please share one go-to practice you use to transform your energy and raise your vibe!

5 mins of stretch / or meditation especially when I’m feeling overloaded. I’m also very lucky to have an amazing community around me that keep me grounded helps with my perspective when I’m feeling overwhelmed, so I’ll usually call one of the amazing friends I have to help realign.

I really believe we are all here to learn and grow. Learning new things keeps me inspired! What is one thing you are working on or learning right now?

I feel like I’m constantly learning, not only as a business owner, as a mother but as a human. I question everything, I want to go deeper on all levels and that involves so much learning! I’m learning how to be a spirit having a human experience.

What is one wisdom gem or favorite quote you would like to share.

I guess the one that stands out is Life is a board game play what you roll. I hold myself accountable for my choices (with help from my husband and my mentor!) because ultimately we are given experiences and make choices that lead us down paths, these paths create our stories aka lives! So if I’ve chosen it, I will take those steps what ever they may be.

We are stronger together! Let’s stay connected and support one another! Please share your social media handles and business information if that applies to you.

